>> On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Wolfgang Kerzendorf wrote:
>>> If I plot something with pylab.plot and then 
>>> pylab.show the first time. 

> Alan replied:
>> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/faq.html#SHOW 
>> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/faq.html#OO 

On Fri, 4 Apr 2008, Wolfgang Kerzendorf apparently wrote:
> I have read these faq entries before, but they don't really resolve my 
> issue. I want backend independent control over the plots. My question 
> is, does that exist in matplotlib, or do I have to embed 
> matplotlib in a backend to get more control? 

What kind of control do you mean?
To quote from

       The matplotlib core graphics routines interact with
       an abstract renderer and graphics context to allow
       device independent ouput. Currently, output to pygtk,
       wxPython, Tkinter, postscript, pdf, svg, agg
       (antigrain geometry) and Cairo are supported. With
       not too much effort, you can port matplotlib to your
       favorite display. If you are interested in porting to
       one of these platforms, please contact the
       matplotlib-devel mailing list.

If you are additionally hoping for an abstraction of the
GUI, I do not think Matplotlib offers such a thing.  Indeed, 
I would find such an effort very surprising.  (But I'm just 
a user.)

Maybe a very specific example of what you are doing would


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