Try "from pylab import *" before using the plot function.


On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Nathanael Berestycki
> Hi all,
> I am trying to setup matplotbib on my computer (which is unfortunately
> running on windows) and for some reason, it doesn't seem to be working. I
> believe I have downloaded everything I should have downloaded (Python 2.5,
> numpy, ipython, lpng1226, zlib, gtk, and I'm probably forgetting a few other
> things that I did download), yet when I open Ipython and plot the
> recommended example
> plot([1,2,3])
> all I get is the error "NameError: name 'plot' is not defined".
> Possibly, the things I downloaded did not go to the right directories. Does
> anybody know if this matters, and if yes, where should the files be located?
> Part of the problem also is that my computer skills are low, so I don't
> understand many of the terms used (such as "backends", for instance - what
> is it?).
> I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me what I should try to
> do or point me to a step-by-step guide ! (I would really, really love to be
> able to plot data I generate on Python...)
> Many thanks in advance for your help,
> Nathanael
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