> >  Main issue is Matplotlib's performance. I'm trying to plot a current
> >  trace from a physics experiment, containing about 300,000 data points.
> >  In LabVIEW, one can easily browse through a data set like this, but I
> >  haven't been able yet to get such a good performance with
> >  IPython+Matplotlib. Especially scrolling/panning through the data is
> >  sluggish. (Anyone knows how to add a scrollbar for this instead of
> >  panning with the mouse, btw?)
> >
> http://matplotlib.sf.net/examples/embedding_in_gtk3.py shows an
> example using a scrolled window.
> You could also use the "clipped line" approach to pass in a custom
> class that only plots the data in the current view limits defined by
> timemin, timemax.  See
> http://matplotlib.sf.net/examples/clippedline.py.  This example
> changes the marker and line style depending on how many points are in
> the view port, but you could expand on this idea to do downsampling
> when the number of points is too large.

Hi Onno and JDH,

JDH, I have just started using matplotlib and love it.  Thanks so much for your 

I have come across the same performance issues.  My vote is for bringing 
clipped line back and even making it the default.  A check may be needed in the 
constructor to make sure it is sorted, but I think it is worth it.  If the 
program is used for its primary original intent (plotting), the vast majority 
are going to be increasing in x.  

I am including a class based on ClippedLine that does decimation.  Please reply 
if you have improvements and please consider putting something like it in the 
code.  This probably should not be used as default, though, because it may not 
be what the user expects.  For example, if Onno is looking for very short 
duration spikes, they will not get plotted.  That is the nature of the 
decimation beast.  And, the filter requires the x data to be equally spaced.

With decimation you not only get performance increases, but you also get rid of 
the smooching that occurs if the data is not monotonic so you can actually see 

Here are the performance results on my computer:
it took -0.511511087418 seconds for matplotlib.lines.Line2D to draw()
it took -0.4196870327 seconds for __main__.ClippedLine to draw()
downsampling plotted line...
it took -0.11829996109 seconds for __main__.DecimatedClippedLine to draw()

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import numpy as npy
from pylab import figure, show, draw
import scipy.signal
import time

# adjusted from /usr/share/doc/matplotlib-0.91.2/examples/clippedline.py
class ClippedLine(Line2D):
    Clip the xlimits to the axes view limits -- this example assumes x is sorted

    def __init__(self, ax, *args, **kwargs):
        Line2D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        ## axes the line is plotted in
        self.ax = ax

    def set_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Line2D.set_data(self, *args, **kwargs)
        ## what is plotted pre-clipping
        self.xorig = npy.array(self._x)
        ## what is plotted pre-clipping
        self.yorig = npy.array(self._y)

    def draw(self, renderer):
        xlim = self.ax.get_xlim()

        ind0, ind1 = npy.searchsorted(self.xorig, xlim)
        self._x = self.xorig[ind0:ind1]
        self._y = self.yorig[ind0:ind1]

        Line2D.draw(self, renderer)

class DecimatedClippedLine(Line2D):
  Decimate and clip the data so it does not take as long to plot.  Assumes data 
is sorted and equally spaced.

  def __init__(self, ax, *args, **kwargs):
        axes the line is plotted on

      *args, **kwargs:
        Line2D args

    Line2D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    ## axes the line is plotted in
    self.ax = ax

  def set_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Line2D.set_data(self, *args, **kwargs)
    ## data preclipping and decimation
    self.xorig = npy.array(self._x)
    ## data pre clipping and decimation
    self.yorig = npy.array(self._y)

  def draw(self, renderer):
    bb = self.ax.get_window_extent()
    width = bb.width()

    xlim = self.ax.get_xlim()
    ind0, ind1 = npy.searchsorted(self.xorig, xlim)

    if self.ax.get_autoscale_on():  
            ylim = 
            self.ax.set_ylim( min([ylim[0], self._y.min()]), max([ylim[1], 
self._y.max()]) )  

    self._x = self.xorig[ind0:ind1]
    self._y = self.yorig[ind0:ind1]
    if width / float( ind1 - ind0 ) < 0.4: # if number of points to plot is 
much greater than the pixels in the plot
      b, a = scipy.signal.butter(5, width / float( ind1 - ind0 ) )
      print 'downsampling plotted line...'

      filty = scipy.signal.lfilter( b, a, self._y )
      step = int( ( ind1 - ind0 ) / width )
      self._x = self._x[::step]
      self._y = filty[::step]

    Line2D.draw(self, renderer)

t = npy.arange(0.0, 100.0, 0.0001)
s = npy.sin(2*npy.pi*t)
s += (npy.random.rand( len(t) ) - 0.5)*3.0

for i in xrange(3):
  starttime = time.time()
  fig = figure(i)
  ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False)
  if i == 0:
    line = Line2D(t, s, color='g', ls='-', lw=2)
  elif i == 1:
    line = ClippedLine(ax, t, s, color='g', ls='-', lw=2)
  elif i == 2:
    line = DecimatedClippedLine(ax, t, s, color='g', ls='-', lw=2)
  ax.set_title( str(line.__class__).replace('_','\_') )
  endtime = time.time()
  print 'it took', starttime-endtime, 'seconds for', str(line.__class__), 'to 


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