On Friday 23 May 2008 12:25:39 pm Friedrich Hagedorn wrote:
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 05:30:02PM +0200, Friedrich Hagedorn wrote:
> > The next problem is that the standard size of the mpl graphic (8, 6)
> > inches is too big for my latex document (0.5\linewidth). Therefore I must
> > scale the mpl graphic (\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{...}). But
> > with this scaling the font in the mpl graphic are also scaled and I have
> > no chance adapeting the two fonts (mpl, latex) without manual iterations.
> >
> > Ok, I could adjust the figsize but the last time I did it (long time ago)
> > there were other misplaced objects in the mpl graphic (I dont remember
> > exactly, sorry).
> I tried this now with (width = 7cm = 2.67in)
> In [1]: figure(figsize=(2.67,2))
> Out[1]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x8c3b36c>
> In [2]: subplot(111)
> Out[2]: <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x8c3b3ec>
> and the problem is that the remaining (abolute) space of the margin
> ist too small for the whole labeling (ticks and axis). But I dont
> want to adjust all the default values every time a what a plot in
> my latex document.
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:00:03PM -0400, Darren Dale wrote:
> > Wouldn't this cause some problems with how the text is layed out on
> > the canvas? The way it works now, a title can be centered over the axes
> > because the extents of the text are known. If you allow the fonts and
> > font sizes to be dictated by the latex document, they will end up being
> > positioned incorrectly.
> Shortly: Yes this is a problem but pgf could solve it.
> I dont know it exactly but if you do all the graphic stuff with pgf in
> latex so you can adjust the text boxes in a various way in respect to
> different points. E.g. baseline -left, -right, -center and so on. This is
> explaind in the pgfmanual in section 53.3.3.
> If I fly over the pgfmanual I get the impression that I could do
> everything with it :-) But to do this its a hard work (for beginners).
> Therefore I like to have the convinient pylab-interface to create pretty
> standard plots for latex.

I'll keep it in mind, but I have just committed myself to another mpl-related 
project for the summer, so I dont think I will have time to look into this 
for a while. But we love code submissions...

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