On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Nihat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here are my questions:
> 1. I have extended the Line2D class as I am using _nolegend_ in the label.
> I still wanted to differentiate between lines using something called id.  Is
> there a better way of doing it with built-in attributes?

Nothing built into matplotlib, but python has an "id" function and the
line objects are hashable, so you probably don't need anything else.

> 2. I can remove the line but somehow the text added to the axes does not
> respond to pick events.  Anybody has any thoughts?

It turns out text picking was broken in svn.  When I looked at the
implementation, I saw

        l,b,w,h = self.get_window_extent().get_bounds()
        # TODO: why does this error occur
        #print str(self),"error looking at get_window_extent"
        return False,{}

so apparently some developer saw this was broken, hid it with a
blanket except that  was silent, and forgot to get back to the TODO.
bbox.get_bounds did not survive the transform refactor, and is now
called bbox.bounds.  This could of been me, thinking I would fix it
and then forgot about it, but I certainly hope not.  Note to
developers: never catch all exceptions with a blanket except that
doesn't at least warn.  This is fixed in svn so text picking is
working again.

> 3. The neat thing would be to add the text into the CustomLine class so
> line's label is contained in the class.  Not sure how I can do it because
> text needs an axis and axis is nor associated with Line2D until you add the
> line to axis...

> 4. How can I add a constant offset like (2 pixels right, 2 pixels up) at the
> right end of the line for its text label.

This is possible, but is a little harder than it should be because to
do it elegantly you need to override a lot of methods.  If we had a
proper containment API, it would be a lot easier and this is probably
something worth doing.  I wrote up an example (added it to
examples/api/line_with_text.py in svn).

In general, I think it would be nice to add support for all artists
(lines, patches, whatever) to display their label.  We would need to
think a little bit about the API for placing the label (eg if every
artist provides their extent, one could place the label at "upper
right" with a certain offset.

Here is the example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as lines
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib.text as mtext

class MyLine(lines.Line2D):

   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      # we'll update the position when the line data is set
      self.text = mtext.Text(0, 0, '')
      lines.Line2D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

      # we can't access the label attr until *after* the line is
      # inited

   def set_figure(self, figure):
      lines.Line2D.set_figure(self, figure)

   def set_axes(self, axes):
      lines.Line2D.set_axes(self, axes)

   def set_transform(self, transform):
      # 2 pixel offset
      texttrans = transform + mtransforms.Affine2D().translate(2, 2)
      lines.Line2D.set_transform(self, transform)

   def set_data(self, x, y):
      if len(x):
         self.text.set_position((x[-1], y[-1]))

      lines.Line2D.set_data(self, x, y)

   def draw(self, renderer):
      # draw my label at the end of the line with 2 pixel offset
      lines.Line2D.draw(self, renderer)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
x, y = np.random.rand(2, 20)
line = MyLine(x, y, mfc='red', ms=12, label='line label')
#line.text.set_text('line label')



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