> Looks like I've done a mistake with my last post, sorry Eli...
> I know how to save datas to a shapefile with the OGR library but only 
> for points datas.

> I'll appreciate if somebody can point me how to save a filled contour 
> map basemap into a polygon shapefile, can't find any example with google.
What do you really want to save here?
A basemap with a contour surface overlayed can be viewed as a assembly 
of various layers. So this is like the result of the gis operations when 
you launch the map composer to finish your map.

If you want to create a raster file from the contour part plotted over a 
basemap I think the python bindings of gdal will get you started.
I succeded into writing a tiff file from a gdal array.

I don't know how to write a vector file from python with ogr or shapely. 
  But these questions are better to be asked on the gdal list.:

So about interpolating to a contour look at shapely. Writing should be 
accomplished with ogr.

That said, I only have testing "experience" with writing geodata with 

The overkill may be to invoke the respective GRASS command by a script.

I would appreciate if you would tell us what you use by the end.

Kind regards,

When it comes to python and GIS the first stop seems to be:

* http://gispython.org/
* http://lists.gispython.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Some more links:
* http://de.giswiki.net/wiki/Kategorie:Python
* http://de.giswiki.net/wiki/WorldMill
* http://zcologia.com/news/750/keytree/
* http://sgillies.net/

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