Hello Jeff,
I just wanna give feedback on what got me going here:

#### data preparation
### data is loaded from a CSV file
lats = y # data[:,0]
## lon => x
lons = x # data[:,1]
## values => z
values = z #data[:,2]
lat_uniq = list(set(lats.tolist()))
nlats = len(lat_uniq)
lon_uniq = list(set(lons.tolist()))
nlons = len(lon_uniq)
color_map = plt.cm.spectral
print lats.shape, nlats, nlons
yre = lats.reshape(nlats,nlons)
xre = lons.reshape(nlats,nlons)
zre = values.reshape(nlats,nlons)
#### later in the defined map
CT = m.contourf(xre, yre, zre, cmap=color_map)

Of course, this can be simplified. But, really, in the end the solution 
was just simple and I hadn't thought of it...

If you want I can try to create a short example for the distribution.

Thanks for your help again,

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