I'm having troubles understand something about regression coefficients.
If I have two vectors:

x = [1.38, 1.98, 3.18, 3.56, 4.9, 6.21, 6.44, 7.47, 8.36, 8.81]
y = [8.19, 17.77, 20.12, 14.55, 20.17 ,31.22 ,28.94, 34.79, 40.26, 38.99]

and I would like to find out the regression coefficient  I can use polyfit:

b1, b = polyfit(x,y,1)

my first question is can I get from polyfit the  corrlation coeficient (I
know about corrcoef, just looking for more opotions).

The second question is about a fuction I wrote: according to
it's pretty easy to write a little python funcion to calculate the
regression coefficients. Here is mine:

def b1(x,y):
    sum1 = 0
    sum2 = 0
    mx = mean(x)
    my = mean(y)
    for i,j in zip(x,y):
        sum1 =+ (i-mx)*(j-my)
        print sum1
        sum2 =+ (i-mx)**2
    b1 = sum1/sum2
    return b1

both methods yeild two different b1 values. Can anyone please tell me what
wrong with my function ?

Thanks, Oz.

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