
I think matplotlib is a terrific tool, and it is a major component of
the open source toolset that has allowed me to stop using Matlab.

But, whenever it comes to producing publication plots, there are a few
things I always find challenging - and I'm wondering if I'm doing
things wrong.

First, what backend do people recommend for use on OS X? At the moment
I am using TkAgg. But is there any backend that will behave as a
proper OS X application ie allow window switching with cmd-`, maybe
allow use of the maximise button etc.?

When producing publication size plots - ie 3x3 in or smaller (that
usually appear very small in the interactive window) there is an
annoying behaviour where any mouse over the graph seems to resize it -
the plot jumps around in size as I move the mouse over it. This is
mainly annoying because it means when producing a batch of plots for
later use, I have to be very careful not to mouse over, since once I
do that, I can no longer be sure it will return to the same size, so
the final set of images would have different sizes. If I accidently
mouse over I have to go back and recreate the plot. Is this a property
of the backend I am using?

Again, when working with small sizes, the procedure for chaning the
size of the figure is quite involved. As well as the standard problem
of making sure the text fits, nothing overlaps the image etc.
matplotlib doesn't seem to position the axes correctly in the figure -
the labels are usually cut off. So I have to manually experiment with
ax.set_position() by trial and error until I find a solution that
looks OK - but of course if I later change the size of the figure I
have to repeat this procedure. Is there an easier way to do this?



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