On Dec 8, 2008, at 1:09 AM, Roy H. Han wrote:

> I figured it out.
> Specifically, I need to use pylab.Axes(figure, [left, bottom, width,  
> height]) where each value in the frame is between 0 and 1
> [.2,.1,.7,.8]
> means
> 20 percent margin on left
> 10 percent margin on bottom
> 10 percent margin on right (1 - .2 - .7)
> 10 percent margin on top (1 - .1 - .8)

Yep, you got it.
Now, you can also use the simpler `pyplot.subplots_adjust` as a  
function, or as a method for your figure. That way, you're not tied to  
defining the positions at the creation of your subplot.

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