On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Alexander Chemeris
<alexander.cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I experience the same problem. Full shell session (of one
> command ;) is following:
> ~$ sudo easy_install matplotlib
> Searching for matplotlib
> Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/matplotlib/
> Reading http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net
> Reading
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706&package_id=278194
> Reading
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706&package_id=82474
> Reading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706
> Best match: matplotlib 0.98.5
> Downloading
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/matplotlib/matplotlib-0.98.5.tar.gz?modtime=1229034572&big_mirror=0
> Processing matplotlib-0.98.5.tar.gz
> Running matplotlib-0.98.5/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir
> /tmp/easy_install-fpPLdN/matplotlib-0.98.5/egg-dist-tmp-0LZ25S
> ...snip
> error: lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf.template: No such file or
> directory
> Exception exceptions.OSError: (2, 'No such file or directory',
> 'src/image.cpp') in <bound method CleanUpFile.__del__ of
> <setupext.CleanUpFile instance at 0x2fd7d40>> ignored
> Exception exceptions.OSError: (2, 'No such file or directory',
> 'src/path.cpp') in <bound method CleanUpFile.__del__ of
> <setupext.CleanUpFile instance at 0x2fd7200>> ignored
> Exception exceptions.OSError: (2, 'No such file or directory',
> 'src/backend_agg.cpp') in <bound method CleanUpFile.__del__ of
> <setupext.CleanUpFile instance at 0x2fd7b90>> ignored

I can replicate it too, and I think I am getting some insight into
what is going on and it may point to a distutils and/or easy_install
bug (but one we can work around).

The file in question is matplotlib.conf.template, which exists in
lib/matplotlib/mpl-data.  There is a symlink in doc/mpl_data which
points to lib/matplotlib/mpl-data.  Eg in the mpl src tree::

    jdhun...@bic128:mpl> ls -ld lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/ doc/mpl_data
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdhunter jdhunter   27 Jun  2  2008 doc/mpl_data ->
    drwxrwxr-x 6 jdhunter jdhunter 4096 Dec 10 13:09 lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/

Now create the sdist::

    jdhun...@bic128:mpl> python setup.py sdist > sdist.out
    jdhun...@bic128:mpl> grep matplotlib.conf.template sdist.out
    hard linking doc/mpl_data/matplotlib.conf.template ->
    hard linking lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf.template ->

If we create an sdist, the symlink is backwards: the tarball says
lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf.template links to
doc/mpl_data/matplotlib.conf.template and has zero content

    jdhun...@bic128:tmp> tar tvfz matplotlib-0.98.5.tar.gz |grep
    -rw-r--r-- cmoad/staff   13838 2008-12-09 17:53
cmoad/staff       0 2008-12-09 17:53
link to matplotlib-0.98.5/doc/mpl_data/matplotlib.conf.template

If you unpack the tarball using a standard incantation, a copy is made::

    jdhun...@bic128:tmp> tar xfz matplotlib-0.98.5.tar.gz
    jdhun...@bic128:tmp> cd matplotlib-0.98.5/
    jdhun...@bic128:matplotlib-0.98.5> ls -ld
    -rw-r--r-- 2 jdhunter jdhunter 13838 Dec  9 17:53
    -rw-r--r-- 2 jdhunter jdhunter 13838 Dec  9 17:53

I think what may be happening is that setuptools are reading the
tarball using the python tarfile reader and the link is getting
botched.  However, I can read the "missing" file using tarfile::

    In [17]: import tarfile

    In [18]: t = tarfile.open('dist/matplotlib-0.98.5.tar.gz')

    In [19]: o =

    In [20]: s = o.read()

    In [21]: print s[:80]
    # MPLConfig - plaintext (in .conf format)

    # This is a sample matplotlib configu

So I am not sure exactly what is going wrong but I think broken
handling of the link is playing a role.  I will probably work around
this by removing the links and making hard copies myself before
building the sdist and eggs, unless I hear something more intelligent
from someone or come up with something better.

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