Dear Jeff,

2008/12/17 Jeff Whitaker <>:
> Mauro:  Say you create a cylindrical basemap with lon_0=180.  The
> longitudinal extent of the map will be lon=0 to lon=360.  If you then plot a
> point with a longitude of -60, it will be off the map to the left (similar
> to what your example plot shows).  The solution is to renormalize the
> longitudes of the points your are plotting to be within 0 and 360 (by adding
> 360 if the longitude is negative).

Thanks for the explanation -- it is obvious in retrospect! (Have to
find the nearest wall...).

With best regards,

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti
Ecoinformatics Studio
P.O. Box 46521, CEP 20551-970
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL
Linux Registered User #473524 * Ubuntu User #22717
"Life is complex. It consists of real and imaginary parts."

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