Kaushik Ghose wrote:
> Hi John,
> This is odd. After successfully installing the egg (last post) and then 
> removing 
> it by doing
> sudo rm -rf 
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib*
> I now get
> sudo installer -pkg matplotlib- -target /
> installer: Package name is matplotlib
> installer: Upgrading at base path /
> installer: The upgrade was successful.
> So there are some files I haven't gotten rid of, what should I be looking to 
> remove?

What's the problem here? this looks successful to me. If you're 
referring to the "Upgrading" -- I think that's because the Mac pkg 
installer keep some kind of record that is separate from the python tree.

At home without my Mac, so can't test myself now -- sorry.


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