
Thanks for addressing the side-issue. If there were a simple way to  
list all of the backends, that might help?

Any idea about the main point?

On Jan 7, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Eric Firing wrote:

> Simson Garfinkel wrote:
>> import matplotlib
>> matplotlib.use('agg.pdf')
> Simson,
> Sorry to be addressing a side point, not your real questions, but  
> your example shows up a bug in matplotlib.use, which I will fix  
> shortly. There is an agg backend, and there is a pdf backend, but  
> there is no agg.pdf. You are simply getting the agg backend, and  
> when you save the figure you are using the pdf backend, which is  
> fine.  Only the cairo backend has "sub-backends" or versions, like  
> "cairo.pdf" or "cairo.png" or "" or "cairo.svg".
> Eric

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