Mauro Cavalcanti wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> I am proud to announce that "Croizat", a software for quantitative
> analysis in biogeography,  is finally ready for public release!
> "Croizat" is available for free under the GNU General  Public License,
> version 3.0.
> The software is written in Python, using the Matplotlib library with
> its Basemap toolkit as the plotting engine and wxPython for the
> interface. Hopefully, this program provides an exemple of the
> integration of MPL/Basemap into a desktop application with a
> wxPython-based GUI.
> An overview of "Croizat" features, screenshots, a user's guide,
> installation instructions, and download links are available from the
> program website at

Congratulations on reaching such a milestone.  Two nitpicks on your release 

1) Standard practice is to include a base directory in the tarball, so that when
the user unpacks it, everything isn't dumped into the current directory, but
rather into its own, self-contained subdirectory.  I don't know exactly how you
made your tarball, but this would be as simple as instead of doing this:

        cd Croizat-1.00b
        tar czf Croizat-1.00b.tar.gz *

doing this (from the parent directory to Croizat-1.00b):

        tar czf Croizat-1.00b.tar.gz Croizat-1.00b

2) You should exclude the *.pyc files from your released tarball.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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