Michael Hearne wrote:
> Forgot the attachment...

Michael: It's ax.frame.set_linewidth (not ax.patch).

> Michael Hearne wrote:
>> Chris - Thanks for your reply.  Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have 
>> any effect on the frame I created.
>> I notice with matplotlib, I get a warning with get_frame(), 
>> telling me to use the patch object of the axes instead of get_frame().
>> So, when I use this with an axes created for a Basemap, I can't get 
>> the thickness of the frame around the axes to change.
>> I'm using Basemap 0.99.2.
>> The code demonstrating the issue is attached, and the relevant lines 
>> of code are near the bottom of the script.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> Christopher Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> MH> The Axes object has a method for turning on the frame:
>>> MH> set_frame_on().   How do I set the thickness of the frame that
>>> MH> appears?
>>> I use:
>>> plt.gca().get_frame().set_linewidth(2)
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