per freem wrote:
> hi all,
> please disregard the previous email - i had a mistake in my file that 
> did not do the casting properly when loading the data.
> i managed to plot my data, but this time i am having a problem with the 
> 'bar' function.
> when i plot using:
> x = data[:, 0]
> y = data[:, 1]
> bar(x,y)
> i get the attached figure. the bar graphs are way too thin and don't 
> look like bar graphs at all. i see in the gallery many examples of bars 
> with greater width, e.g. 
> but all of these seem to be made using the 'hist' function. i just want 
> the bar width to be greater. my setting of the width= does not make a 
> difference, it treats:
> bar(x,y,width=1.5)
> bar(x,y,width=10)
> etc.

Width is in the same units as x, and it looks like your range of x 
values is 1e8, so maybe your width needs to be something like 1e7, not 10.

> as the same, yielding this line plot. if i remove some data points (and 
> plot x and y's that are only, say, 3 in length) then the bars look normal.
> how can i make the bar widths greater in this case?
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:41 AM, per freem < 
> <>> wrote:
>     hi all,
>     i am reading a set of tab-separated data from a file and i want to
>     put it into an array, and then plot some of the columns. i know the
>     number of columns ahead of time but not the number of rows. i load
>     the array from the file as follows, which seems to work:
>     data = []
>     for line in myfile:
>       field1, field2, field3 = line.strip().split('\t')
>       data.append([int(field1), int(field2), int(field3)])
>     i then convert it into an array as follows:
>     data = array(data)
>     i am able to reference the first column as follows:
>     data[:,0]
>     but if i try to plot the first column against the second as follows:
>     bar(data[:,0],data[:,1])
>     then i get the error:
>     /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/units.pyc in
>     get_converter(self, x)
>         128             converter = self.get(classx)
>         129
>     --> 130         if converter is None and iterable(x):
>         131             # if this is anything but an object array, we'll
>     assume
>         132             # there are no custom units
>     [repeated many times]
>     RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
>     WARNING: Failure executing file: <>
>     how can i fix this? i'd like an n-by-m representation of my data as
>     an array which i can reference like a matrix in matlab. some of the
>     columns are floats, other are ints, and others are strings, so i
>     prefer to load the data into an array as a loop where i can cast the
>     strings appropriately, rather than use some built in io function for
>     reading tab-separated data.
>     thank you very much.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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