Greeting everyone,
In pylab (matplotlib on Mac OS X) I've discovered that  
changing the xscale from linear to log removes the previously set xlim.

For example
In [1]: import pylab
In [2]: x = pylab.arange(100)
In [3]: y = pylab.sin(x)
In [4]: pylab.plot(x, y)
Out[4]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x1a0981f0>]
In [5]: pylab.xlim(30, 50)
Out[5]: (30, 50)
In [6]: print pylab.xlim()
(30.0, 50.0)
In [7]: pylab.xscale('log')
In [8]: print pylab.xlim()
(1.0, 100.0)

There are easy workarounds, such as saving the axes before switching  
to log and restoring them after, but is this expected behavior?


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