Hi all,

I am again a little defeated so I hope somebody can point me in the  
right direction. I am trying to plot a graph but require some  
customation of the axes afterwards. As the axes are sacred in  
matplotlib I am trying to hide the existing axes and plot some new  
axes afterwards. The problem I have encountered is whilst plotting the  
new axes, the xlim functions apparently are no longer recognised.

The new axes appears fine but on the non-limited axes. All of this  
appears to work until the "make_xaxis" command where the original  
non-limited x axis appears again. I have tried various methods, tricks  
and suggestions but cannot appear to get the script to work. Probably  
something simple I know, but I can't seem to get around this one :-s

test script >

from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as lines

#define new axis subroutines
def make_xaxis(aa, yloc, offset, **props):
     xmin, xmax = aa.get_xlim()
     locs = [loc for loc in aa.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()
             if loc>=xmin and loc<=xmax]
     tickline, = aa.plot(locs, [yloc]*len(locs),linestyle='',
             marker=lines.TICKDOWN, **props)
     aaline, = aa.plot([xmin, xmax], [yloc, yloc], **props)
# xaxis text
     for loc in locs:
         aa.text(loc, yloc-offset, '%1.0f'%loc,

def make_yaxis(aa, xloc, offset, **props):
     ymin, ymax = aa.get_ylim()
     locs = [loc for loc in aa.yaxis.get_majorticklocs()
             if loc>=ymin and loc<=ymax]
     tickline, = aa.plot([xloc]*len(locs), locs, linestyle='',
             marker=lines.TICKLEFT, **props)
     aaline, = aa.plot([xloc, xloc], [ymin, ymax], **props)
# yaxis text
     for loc in locs:
         aa.text(xloc-offset, loc, '%1.2f'%loc,

#read data
a=load('NC_figure4_alteredT.dat', skiprows=(1))

props = dict(color='black', linewidth=2, markeredgewidth=2)
                                                 #new axis props
fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white')
aa = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False)
aa.scatter(ax, ay2, s=15, c='b', marker='^')

#plot new axes
make_xaxis(aa, -0.02, offset=0.01, **props)
                                                 #offset text values from axes
                                                 #select y axis intercept
#make_yaxis(aa, -4, offset=3, **props)           #offset text values from axes


time (h)        n:c (a) n:c (b)
-2      0.12    0.21
-2      0.12    0.15
-2      0.1     0.14
0       0.12    0.14
0       0.11    0.13
0       0.11    0.21
2       0.11    0.15
2       0.11    0.13
2       0.11    0.14
4       0.11    0.14
4       0.1     0.14
4       0.09    0.12
6       0.09    0.14
6       0.1     0.12
6       0.1     0.1
8       0.11    0.13
8       0.08    0.13
8       0.1     0.11
10      0.1     0.12
10      0.08    0.11
10      0.11    0.1
12      0.07    0.1
12      0.09    0.1
12      0.08    0.1
14      0.1     0.1
14      0.16    0.1
14      0.1     0.1
16      0.1     0.1
16      0.17    0.1
16      0.07    0.1
18      0.1     0.09
18      0.09    0.11
18      0.09    0.11
20      0.09    0.12
20      0.09    0.1
20      0.07    0.11
22      0.12    0.11
22      0.09    0.12
22      0.09    0.13
24      0.09    0.13
24      0.11    0.13
24      0.11    0.13
26      0.09    0.12
26      0.09    0.13
26      0.11    0.14
28      0.09    0.13
28      0.1     0.14
28      0.09    0.13
30      0.09    0.12
30      0.1     0.13
30      0.1     0.12
32      0.09    0.12
32      0.08    0.12
32      0.09    0.12
34      0.08    0.12
34      0.08    0.12
34      0.11    0.11
36      0.09    0.11
36      0.07    0.11
36      0.09    0.1
38      0.1     0.11
38      0.08    0.11
38      0.09    0.1
40      0.09    0.11
40      0.09    0.11
40      0.09    0.11
42      0.09    0.11
42      0.11    0.12
42      0.08    0.11
44      0.12    0.12
44      0.12    0.16
44      0.11    0.12
46      0.11    0.12
46      0.12    0.11
46      0.1     0.12
48      0.1     0.12
48      0.14    0.13
48      0.1     0.14
56      0.1     0.12
56      0.11    0.12
56      0.11    0.12
58      0.12    0.11
58      0.12    0.11
58      0.12    0.1

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