> I am not sure what you are asking -- could you elaborate?

Sorry.  I use matplotlib to create PNGs graphics for display on a
web-page.  I want to make the plots zoom-able.  I'll use javascript to
capture the pixel positions of the user's selected zoom region on the
PNG plot.  I'll then translate this into the coordinate system on the
plot and redraw it with a new x, y range.  I'm having trouble
translating the initial axises into the pixel positions (essentially
where they are on the PNG image).

For example, I use the following code to map point positions from the
coordinate system to pixel positions.  I use an img map <MAP> to
provide interaction with the actual lines.


lineObj = plt.plot(Xs,Ys,marker='o')[0]
path, affine = lineObj._transformed_path.get_transformed_points_and_affine()
path = affine.transform_path(path)
for real,pixel in zip(lineObj.get_xydata(),path.vertices):
 ## write <AREA> tag  for each point


I'd like to get information similar to this for the axis of the plot.


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