I am going through John Hunter's The Matplotlib User’s Guide. In the user
guide, one of the three ways of changing the line properties is given as

Using set to control line properties
>>> l i n e s = p l o t ( t , s1 )
>>> s e t ( l i n e s , ma r k e r s i z e =15 , marker=’d’ , \
. . . ma r k e r f a c e c o l o r =’g’ , ma r k e r e d g e c o l o r =’r’

But when i try the same i get the following error, Kindly someone help me to
understand what i am doing wrong.

In [31]: new=plot(t,s)

In [32]: set(new, markersize=15)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/cbala/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: set() does not take keyword arguments

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