On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/15/2009 1:57 PM Ryan May apparently wrote:
> > I'm not sure if I like the idea of changing
> > the API or not, but if you're suggesting
> I'm less suggesting any particular solution
> than suggesting exploring for a solution.
> For example, maybe pylab.subplot could use
> the current convention, but pyplot.subplot
> would behave as expected.  Also uncomfortable...
> OK, here's another idea.  Duplicate the
> functionality, leaving subplot as a "convenience"
> function for the Matlab crowd.  The new function
> could be called subplot2grid, and it would take a
> shape (2-tuple) and a location (2-tuple).
> E.g., ax = fig.subplot2grid(shape=(5,1), loc=(0,3)).
> Just exploring ...

Exploring in this area is definitely a good thing.  I kind of like this
proposal and along those lines, I would love to be able to *easily* create a
subplot that occupies 2/3 of a figure in each direction, surrounded by a
bunch of smaller panels that each occupy 1/3.  I know Jae-Joon has committed
a bunch of work on what I'll call "axes tricks", but I haven't had a chance
to see if it facilitates this.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
Sent from Norman, Oklahoma, United States
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