Jesper Larsen <> writes:

> Unfortunately the files are quite big (up to ~300 kb). I have however
> tried using the Linux tool pngnq to reduce the file size with a factor
> ~3-4 with almost no degradation of the result.

>   Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 32
>   Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation): RGB with alpha channel

>   Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 8
>   Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation): PALETTED COLOUR (256
> colours, 0 transparent)

This means pngnq has quantized the original RGBA image with 8 bits per
channel to an image with a 256-color palette. I don't think Agg has any
support for rendering directly to a paletted image, so to achieve
similar results, you would have to do the quantization in a separate
pass anyway.

> I am not using transparency for anything. For a web application a
> reduction from 300 kb to 90 kb is really important so I hope you have
> some good ideas.

A web application needs to be fast, right? According to its home page,
pngnq "is limited mostly to off-line uses rather than real time image
delivery". You could take a look at PIL to see if it has any fast
quantization algorithms, and pass your result to it as in the example (see also for how to avoid using
the pylab machinery for figure management). If not, you could always
implement some fast quantization algorithm in numpy:

My guess is that if you always produce similar-looking images, you could
fix the palette off-line using whatever fancy algorithm you like, and
then the actual conversion could be done pretty fast, especially if you
can forgo dithering - perhaps for many types of charts it is not

Jouni K. Seppänen

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