per freem wrote:
> hi all,
> i have a series of subplots organized in a column (3x1). i noticed that 
> if i plot them then matplotlib tends to make the x-axis long and the 
> y-axis short, so the plot is really rectangular. how can i make it more 
> square? if i do:
> f = figure(figsize=(7,6), dpi=100)
> p1 = subplot(3,1,1)
> plot(....)
> # make axes square
> p1.set_aspect('equal')
> p2 = subplot(3,1,2)
> plot(....)
> p2.set_aspect('equal')
> # etc for third subplot...
> then the subplots i get are square, but very small and squished compared 
> to the space they have in the figure (ie what i set in figsize.) how can 
> i fix this? i just want to have square axes, but have each subplot take 
> up as much space as it would if i didnt set square axes... it works fine 
> for the rectangular axes case.

Maybe what you are looking for is
p1.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim')

It is not clear from your message, but try the modification above and 
see if it does what you want.


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