On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Esmail <ebo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gökhan,
> Gökhan SEVER wrote:
> >
> >     I'll give mayavi/mlab a try, I think there was a note to the
> >     effect that matplotlib quit supporting 3D plots and recommended
> >     mayavi.
> >
> >
> > There is still work going on to improve matplotlib 3d plotting
> > functionality. You can see matplotlib gallery or check-out the latest
> > trunk of matplotlib and experiment with the 3d examples.
> Ah .. ok .. good to know. I was going by this note:
> NOTE: 3D plotting has been removed from matplotlib >= 0.98. You'll either
> need
> to use an older 0.91.x version or look at Mayavi which is actively
> maintained
> and features an 'mlab' interface similar to matplotlib's 'pylab'.
> posted here:
> http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib

Modified that section as to eliminate confusions:

*NOTE:* *Experimental work has been going on to integrate 3D plotting
functionality into matplotlib*. Please see the related mplot3d
take a look at matplotlib
gallery <http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/gallery.html> for example 3D
plots. For a more sophisticated 3D visualization and plotting interface, you
can try Mayavi <http://code.enthought.com/projects/mayavi/> which is
actively maintained and features an 'mlab' interface similar to matplotlib's

> >     So much to learn, so little time :-)
> >
> >
> > Isn't that nice? Lifelong learning? Why are complaining? Are you not a
> > scientist or raising a kid something :)
> hehe .. I know it sounded like a complaint, but it's really not. I
> consider myself a lifelong student, and I love learning new things.
> I just have a big appetite :-)

No matter how big an appetite you have, you can only digest certain amount
of items at a time :)
Cheers for lifelong learning :)

> Cheers,
> Esmail
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