--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Gökhan SEVER <gokhanse...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Modified that section as to eliminate confusions:

> NOTE: Experimental work has been going on to integrate 3D plotting 
>functionality into matplotlib. Please see the related mplot3d documentation or 
>take a look at matplotlib gallery for example 3D plots. For a more 
>sophisticated 3D visualization and plotting interface, you can 
>try Mayavi which is actively maintained and features an 'mlab' interface 
>similar to matplotlib's 'pylab'. 
It is good news that matplotlib 3D functions are being upgraded.  Thank you.
But it is unclear from the message whether one still must stay with 0.91 
version or the 3D functions in pylab now work with 0.98 and higher.  Can you 
give us some information on that?  

-- Lou Pecora,   my views are my own.

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