
thanks for the quick answer!

I have removed the text lines (do you mean the ones starting with a
hash, #? I removed those)

It complained about

from scipy import * # complained "ImportError: No module named scipy"

So I commented it out and added

from pylab import *

But it's crashing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./prova.py", line 14, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range


hux(p2)| cat prova.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pylab import *
#from scipy import * # complained "ImportError: No module named scipy"
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from string import split

f = open("histo2.dat")
data = f.readlines()

x, y, dy = [], [], []
for i, line in enumerate(data):

bar(x, y, yerr=dy, align='center')

It would be great if I got this one done. Thanks for your help


2009/7/5 Sebastian Busch <webmas...@thamnos.de>:
> Pau wrote:
>> ...
>> MODE: 0.00e+00 -  1.00e-04
>> (2226):**********************************************************************************************
>>    1: 1.00e-04 -  2.00e-04 ( 482):*********************
>>    2: 2.00e-04 -  3.00e-04 ( 273):************
>>    3: 3.00e-04 -  4.00e-04 ( 173):********
>>    4: 4.00e-04 -  5.00e-04 ( 125):******
>>    5: 5.00e-04 -  6.00e-04 (  99):*****
>>    6: 6.00e-04 -  7.00e-04 (  68):***
>> ...
>> I am supposed to show this plot tomorrow and I cannot figure out how
>> to plot this with matplotlib
>> ...
> hey!
> i'm not sure but maybe you are looking for something like this (will
> crash on the text lines in the file -- you may want to add a try:...
> except: pass around the split thing.
> from scipy import *
> from matplotlib.pyplot import *
> from string import split
> f = open("histo.dat")
> data = f.readlines()
> f.close()
> x, y, dy = [], [], []
> for i, line in enumerate(data):
>    x.append(i)
>    y.append(int(line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]))
>    dy.append(sqrt(y[-1]))
> bar(x, y, yerr=dy, align='center')
> show()
> good luck,
> sebastian.

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