John Hunter wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Johann Cohen-Tanugi<> 
> wrote:
>> Hello, how can I center axis tick labels, so that the labels ends up at
>> the center between 2 ticks.
> There is no support for this, though you can left or right align a
> label with a single tick::
>   for label in ax.xaxis.get_xticklabels():
>       label.set_horizontalalignment('right')

Labels for intervals rather than ticks would be nice to have; this is 
commonly used for labeling months or years, for example.  I don't have 
time to work on it now, unfortunately.

The best way to fake it with present facilities might be to use no 
labels on the major ticks, place minor ticks half-way between the 
majors, set their lengths to zero, and label them.


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