Hi all,

i have a simple scatter plot, where the x axis and y axis are on different
scales starting from 0. the x axis here ranges from 0 to 300 and the y axis
from 0 to 1. i plot it as follows:

my_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,5), dpi=100)
x = rand(100)*300
y = rand(100)
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
plt.xlim([-0.05, 300.05])
plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05])

i'd like to leave a bit of space between the origin and the x-axis 0 and
between the origin and y-axis 0, which is why i added 0.05 to the end points
of each axis. however, i'd like the space between 0 and the origin on either
axis to be the same. since 0.05 on a scale from 0 to 300 is not the same
amount of space as 0.05 on a scale from 0 to 1, this is not the effect i
get. the yaxis looks good but the xaxis does not.  how can i fix this?

second, how can i remove the upper x axis ticks and the right y axis ticks?
these ticks are really not informative to the plot. ideally i would like to
remove those axes altogether, and just have one x axis and one y axis -- but
i don't want to manually plot the axes. is there a way to do this?

if that is not possible i'd like to at least remove those tick marks from
the duplicate axes. any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated.

thank you
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