The problem:
I have files with time versus signal data of a large series of measurements.
The python application (using wxPython actually) scans the file, applies
some math (numpy/scipy) on each record of data and than must show the signal
as a plot. After clicking OK the next record of measurement data is
processed and  shown. So I do need some construct that allows showing a
series of figure one after the other. My solution works ok but I would think
that there should be an elegant shortcut that directly scales the
mathplotlib figure to a bitmap that can be shown.
Does that better explain the purpose of my question?

Janwillem wrote:
> I have an application where I would like to use show in a loop but as
> stated in 18.1 of the manual that does not work.
> # WARNING : illustrating how NOT to use show
> for i in range(10):
>     # make figure i
>     show()
> So I made a workaround in a custom wxDialog with a wxStaticBitmap and a
> few buttons and put the matplotlib figure in the bitmap with something
> like:
>         wi,hi = figure.get_size_inches()
>         width,height = bitmap_plot.GetSize()
>         dpi = int(min(width/wi,height/hi))
>         figure.savefig('/tmp/tmp.png',dpi = dpi)
>         image = wx.Image('/tmp/tmp.png',wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
>         bitmap = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
>         bitmap_plot.SetBitmap(bitmap)
> Thus scaling the figure using the dpi option of savefig and then loading
> it into the wxStaticBitmap.
> To me it seems there might be a lot of unnecessary data handling. What is
> the clever solution?
> mant thanks

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