Have you tried removing the build directory to force a full rebuild? draw_gouraud_triangle was recently added to the _backend_agg extension, so I would guess for some reason it is still loading an old version of that extension. If forcing the full rebuild doesn't help, can you send the output of your build?


On 08/19/2009 10:59 AM, Chuck Pepe-Ranney wrote:
I am using the svn matplotlib (1.0.svn) and when I try to plot a histogram I get an AttributeError for draw_gouraud_triangle (traceback below). I have not had this problem in the past. Is anyone else experiencing this?
- Chuck

In [3]: x = mu + sigma*randn(100000)

In [4]: hist(x, 50, normed=1)
(array([  7.75874990e-06,   3.87937495e-06,   1.16381249e-05,
         1.55174998e-05,   2.32762497e-05,   5.81906243e-05,
         1.08622499e-04,   1.90089373e-04,   3.06470621e-04,
         4.65524994e-04,   6.63373117e-04,   1.13277749e-03,
         1.81942685e-03,   2.57590497e-03,   3.74359683e-03,
         5.14405118e-03,   7.07985929e-03,   8.96135614e-03,
         1.12695842e-02,   1.40937692e-02,   1.68791604e-02,
         1.98623997e-02,   2.23839935e-02,   2.42577316e-02,
         2.57629290e-02,   2.64883722e-02,   2.65194072e-02,
         2.52353341e-02,   2.41995409e-02,   2.24305460e-02,
         2.01727497e-02,   1.67782967e-02,   1.41829948e-02,
         1.20764942e-02,   9.27170613e-03,   6.88589054e-03,
         5.33414056e-03,   3.73971745e-03,   2.76211497e-03,
         1.85822060e-03,   1.20648561e-03,   8.30186239e-04,
         4.65524994e-04,   2.79314996e-04,   1.70692498e-04,
         9.69843738e-05,   8.14668740e-05,   3.10349996e-05,
         3.87937495e-06,   1.55174998e-05]),
 array([  32.88436884,   35.46210369,   38.03983854,   40.61757339,
         43.19530823,   45.77304308,   48.35077793,   50.92851278,
         53.50624763,   56.08398247,   58.66171732,   61.23945217,
         63.81718702,   66.39492187,   68.97265671,   71.55039156,
         74.12812641,   76.70586126,   79.28359611,   81.86133096,
         84.4390658 ,   87.01680065,   89.5945355 ,   92.17227035,
         94.7500052 ,   97.32774004,   99.90547489,  102.48320974,
        105.06094459,  107.63867944,  110.21641429,  112.79414913,
        115.37188398,  117.94961883,  120.52735368,  123.10508853,
        125.68282337,  128.26055822,  130.83829307,  133.41602792,
        135.99376277,  138.57149761,  141.14923246,  143.72696731,
        146.30470216,  148.88243701,  151.46017186,  154.0379067 ,
        156.61564155,  159.1933764 ,  161.77111125]),
<a list of 50 Patch objects>)

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1417, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", line 212, in resize
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", line 215, in draw
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 377, in draw
    self.renderer = self.get_renderer()
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 388, in get_renderer
    self.renderer = RendererAgg(w, h, self.figure.dpi)
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 65, in __init__
File "/home/chuck/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", line 82, in _update_methods
    self.draw_gouraud_triangle = self._renderer.draw_gouraud_triangle
AttributeError: draw_gouraud_triangle


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