Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> I previously used version '0.90.1' and could do something along these lines.
> figure.add_axes
> ...  etc
> canvas.Refresh()
> User makes a new selection and in the code I do:
> figure.clear()
> figure.add_axes
> ... etc
> canvas.Refresh()
> With 0.99 and wxAgg on Windows Vista with wxPython Unicode and 
> Python 2.5.4 this does not work.
> The "old" figure remains and the new one is only shown when I resize the 
> frame which contains a wx.Splitter with the right window containing the 
> mpl.figure on a panel.
> If I add canvas.draw() then most is shown, except some mpl.text elements 
> (e.g. figure.title) - which again are shown if I resize.
> Appreciate any hint on how to solve this.
I had to add the canvas.Draw() call, but I had that to early in my code, 
i.e. the title was only added to the figure after I had called Draw() - 
0.90 was forgiven me this stupid mistake.

Sorry for the noise.

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