MS simply doesn't lay well with open vector formats, I think PNG with 
the right DPI, etc is still probably your best bet.

Shixin Zeng wrote:
> I'm attaching a file that converts svg to emf, which is based on
> librsvg and cairo.

> I've spent the all night working on this, but the result is still not
> satisfying. The converted emf file is even worse than the png file
> produced from matplotlib. I'm not sure if it's because I did something
> wrong or it's because of the limitation of this method itself.

I suspect you are getting a raster embedded in the emf, rather than 
proper vector graphics, but that's just a guess. This message is a 
couple years old, but does seem to indicate the vector emf is not 
supported (or wasn't then):

However, if Cairo does support verctor emf, than you might be able to 
use the MPL Cairo back-end, rather than trying to go to SVG->emf.

good luck!


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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