Andrew Straw wrote:
> Thanks for this.

Yes, indeed. It looks like nice stuff!

I do encourage you to keep up the good work on this (the only thing I 
notice is the need for some more docs). I also encourage you to keep the 
contour generating code separate from anything matplotlib specific. I, 
for one, would like to use it outside of MPL.

Unfortunately, it will probably be a month or two before I can spend any 
time digging into this for my stuff, but it looks great so far.

> I haven't had a chance to look at your code -- can you elaborate on the
> approach you took versus natural neighbors interpolation, as available
> through the mlab.griddata function?

I think I can answer that a bit: this is contouring directly on the 
triangular mesh, rather than interpolating to a rectangular grid, then 
contouring. It should be a little more accurate, as well as saving 
processing time and memory. In particular, it should work better around 
the edges of a non-rectangular domain.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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