On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Andre Walker-Loud <walksl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> IPython can remedy all your wonderings :)
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/shell.html
> --
> Gökhan
> Hi Gökhan,
> I am not very familiar with iPython (I am not opposed to learning either).
> What I have in mind is writing code that I can call from a terminal, as
> opposed to interactively as with iPython.  However, in iPython, can you have
> a module/script running, and asking me as the user for input?  I have
> assumed iPython is similar to an interactive Python interpreter.  With the
> knowledge I have, I can not, while in interactive mode, launch a sub routine
> that will ask me for input.  Is this possible to do (in either Python or
> iPython)?
> Thanks,
> Andre

Just give it a try (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/)

I don't think you will ever look back the regular Python interpreter. (When
I first start with Python, I only use it for about less than a day :)

This page is very explanatory of what IPython is capable of

This is a great audio-visual tutorial about IPython by Jeff Rush
A Demonstration of the 'IPython' Interactive

and finally I recommend you to watch some of the SciPy09 videos to see how
other people using IPython interactively. Since we are corresponding under
matplotlib roof, wouldn't be fair it don't suggest you to watch John
Hunter's Advanced topics in
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