Dudel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using of matplotlib as provided by the latest Enthought Python
> Distribution. When I try to plot a matrix with pyplot.imshow() I get all
> kinds of error messages, unless vmin and vmax are specified. Plotting an
> array instead works. I.e.:
> y=matrix('1 2 3')
> imshow(y)  #fails
> imshow(y, vmin=1, vmax=3) #works
> imshow(array(y)) #works
> Is that a bug?
> Cheers

I was afraid of this sort of thing cropping up with matrices.  They 
modify basic ndarray behavior too much. I guess instead of using 
np.asanyarray we need to make our own input-processing function that 
explicitly detects matrices and converts them to ndarrays.  We could 
call it "anysensiblearray".


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