Hi Jouni,

Thanks for your explaination.

On Wednesday 02 December 2009 17:20:37 Jouni K. Seppänen wrote:
> Matthias Michler <matthiasmich...@gmx.net> writes:
> > ./root/article.cls.tex: Permission denied
> > ./root/article.cls: Permission denied
> > ./lost+found/article.cls.tex: Permission denied
> > ./lost+found/article.cls: Permission denied
> > ./root/article.cls.tex: Permission denied
> > ./root/article.cls: Permission denied
> > ./lost+found/article.cls.tex: Permission denied
> > ./lost+found/article.cls: Permission denied
> That looks like a TeX configuration problem. I'm guessing that when TeX
> encounters \documentclass{article}, it asks the path-searching library
> for "article.cls", and for some reason /root and /lost+found are
> included in the path. You don't have permission as normal user to access
> these directories, so the library causes error messages to be printed.
> The path probably also includes the correct directories, so the search
> eventually succeeds, but then article.cls wants to input size10.clo,
> causing a new round of errors:
> > ./root/size10.clo.tex: Permission denied
> > ./root/size10.clo: Permission denied
> (etc)

Do you know why is happens only for  ps/eps-files?

> Have you set any TeX-related environment variables or edited any
> configuration files? What does "kpsepath tex" print?

in my .zshrc I set

and "$ kpsepath tex" yields

Furthermore I did (as root):
$ cd /root    $ cd /lost+found/  and $ cd /tmp/
$ ls **/*tex **/*.cls
but always got
ls: cannot access **/*tex: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access **/*.cls: No such file or directory
... That means there are no tex or cls-files.

Do you have any idea what's wrong?

Kind regards,

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