> Wayne Watson wrote:
>> I've used MPL a bit, and am wondering if there's a facility for sending 
>> graphic images to a printer, or putting them in some format like png?   

you've already gotten an answer to the png part, but as for printing 

I suspect you could make a pdf and send that to the printer with a 
system call, though it would be different on each system, and I don't 
know how any of those work any more (you used to be able to do "print 
filename" on Windows (or DOS, anyway!), and, of course, on *nix systems, 
"lpr filename" used to work.

Another option is to use a GUI back end, but never bring up a window. 
You can use wxPython this way -- you need to create a wx.App(), and you 
may need to create a wx.Frame to put the MPL plot in (or you may not), 
but you don't have to Show() it. You an then call the wx printing code 
to print. I imagine it's similar for QT and GTK and TK. Note that for wx 
at least, you do need access to a Windowing system, even if you aren't 
displaying anything.



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