Jeff Whitaker wrote:
> Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
>> Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Philip:  That's an error from the proj4 c library saying that it 
>>> didn't like one of the parameters you used to define the 
>>> projection.  Since you didn't include the parameters you used, I 
>>> can't say which one is the culprit.
>>> -Jeff
> Philip: I believe that lat_0 must be zero for the geostationary 
> projection (you have to be looking down on the equator).  I usually 
> leave the lat_0 parameter off entirely, in which case zero is 
> assumed.  I'll try to catch that and raise a more insightful error 
> message.
> -Jeff

Hm.  I suppose that you are right.  "Geostationary" does imply that the 
viewer is 35786.2 km above the equator.

What would be more useful is a geosynchronous projection.  This would 
allow the viewer to be located at any latitude.  Geostationary is a 
special case of geosynchronous.

Even more useful than a geosynchronous projection is a camera projection 
that allows one to place the viewer at any location in space (i.e., any 
latitude and longitude for the nadir point, and any altitude).  (I wrote 
something like this is Fortran 25 years ago).  Generalizing the existing 
geostationary projection to turn it into a camera projection would make 
it far more useful.  I hope that someone will consider making this change.


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