On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:22 PM, John Hunter <jdh2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very nice and thorough work.  I think this should be included, but
> I'll wait to hear from other developers before committing.  Could you
> confirm that the unit tests pass?
>>>> import matplotlib
>>>> matplotlib.test()

Confirmed on rev 8133:

Ran 124 tests in 341.585s

FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=2, errors=2)

and the errors were something to do with hexbin extents and the figimage method.

> I think the markerangle would also be a useful contribution, though it
> would render some of the markers redundant (eg triangle left, right,
> etc, would all just be triangles with different angles...)

That was a concern I had as well, but I suppose > ^ v < (etc) could
just be considered shortcuts to particular angles.  Presumably, we
would not be removing them.  Correct?  Also, is the standard to have
the angle specified in degrees?  So what is more useful:  markerangle
or markerdeg?

The other difference is that when one specifies fillstyle='left', then
it would only apply to the marker at 0 degrees.  Whereas, marker='v',
fillstyle='left', markerangle=0  would correspond to marker='^',
fillstyle='right', markerangle=180   (or something like that).

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