On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Michiel de Hoon <mjldeh...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> An inconsistency in the definition of save_figure between different backends 
> is causing this problem.
> The GTK backends use
>    def save_figure(self, button):
> but the tkagg, qt, qt4, and macosx backends use
>    def save_figure(self):
> so without the second argument. The line that is causing the error is
>            self.canvas.toolbar.save_figure(self.canvas.toolbar)
> in backend_bases.py. This assumes that the save_figure method is defined as 
> in the GTK backends.
> As far as I can tell, the GTK backend has the second argument because that is 
> what pygtk passes when save_figure is called as a callback. The second 
> argument is not actually used inside the method.
> So I would suggest the following:
> In backend_bases.py, change the offending line to
>            self.canvas.toolbar.save_figure()
> and the backend_gtk, change the definition of the save_figure method to
>    def save_figure(self, button-None):
> Any objections, anybody?

The base class signature is

    def save_figure(self, *args):
        'save the current figure'
        raise NotImplementedError

But I think the problem is the line


it shouldn't be passing the toolbar in, but should just read


We could make both changes -- make sure all the signatures of the
derived classes comply with

     def save_figure(self, *args):

and remove the self.canvas.toolbar argument from the save_figure call.

Michiel, do you want to take the lead on this?


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