Wayne Watson wrote:
> Strange that there wouldn't be any such demos. ;-) 

I've got a small prototype app that embeds MPL in wxPython, bundled up 
with py2exe (and py2app for the Mac). It's 11.7MB, if you want me to 
mail it to you.

Bundled up python apps tend to be big, they have to include all of:

-Your code (not usually very big)

-Python itself (fairly big)

-The gui toolkit (wxPython is very big)

-Any other packages you are using.

Bandwidth and disk space, and memory are cheaper than they used to be, 
so it's not that big a deal, really.

 > However, I'm now  rolling my own.

always a good lesson, anyway.


> On 2/15/2010 6:55 AM, Wayne Watson wrote:
>> Does anyone know where I can find a compiled demo that uses MPL grphics?
>> I'd like, if possible, a Win version whose size is less than 10M, so
>> that I can send it via e-mail, if necessary. It should use plot, so that
>> someone can manipulate the plot with the navigation controls. At this
>> point, I have no idea if that method is the fundamental graph tool or
>> not. I suspect it is.
>> If a mailable demo isn't available, maybe there's a web site that one
>> can download such examples from?

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