I'm attempting to output an image with a predictable bounding box so
that it can be placed into a KML document and be correctly

Essentially I need a PNG that has NO labeling and the size of the
image be exactly the size of the plot bounding box and no more, no

I can get exactly what I want with the top and bottom of the image with:


However, I'm still left with undesired space on the left and right.
How can I bring the left and right edges of the bounding box to match
the image width?

Also, this might be a candidate for a handy function for
pyplot.figure().  This could be very useful for anyone needing to make
KML-friendly figures.

Thanks for any ideas!

Bruce W. Ford
Clear Science, Inc.
Phone/Fax: 904-379-9704
8241 Parkridge Circle N.
Jacksonville, FL  32211
Skype:  bruce.w.ford
Google Talk: for...@gmail.com

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