This seems to be a bug and I recommend you to file a bug.
This happens because Axis.set_ticklabels method only changes the
attributes of left (or bottom) tick labels.

Meanwhile, try

for t in


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Jim Vickroy <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm (unsuccessfully) trying to generate a figure (with a labeled colorbar)
> having a black background.
> Here is the code.
> _purpose_ = 'demonstrate capability to create PNG with black background
> including labeled color bar'
> _author_  = ''
> import numpy      #
> import matplotlib #
> matplotlib.use('Agg') # --
> probably the fastest, non-GUI, rendering backend
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plot #
> import # color maps
> import sys
> assert sys.version            == '2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19)
> [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]', sys.version
> assert numpy.__version__      == '1.4.0',  numpy.__version__
> assert matplotlib.__version__ == '0.99.1', matplotlib.__version__
> data_min =   0
> data_max = 256
> data     = numpy.random.randint(data_max, size=(512,512))
> rows_cnt, columns_cnt = data.shape
> shape    = rows_cnt, columns_cnt
> x        = numpy.empty(data.shape, dtype=int)
> y        = numpy.empty(data.shape, dtype=int)
> x[:]     = numpy.arange(rows_cnt)
> y[:]     = numpy.arange(columns_cnt)
> XI, YI   = numpy.meshgrid(x[0], y[0])
> title      = 'this is the figure title'
> plot.clf() # clear the figure
> plot.title(title,color='white',backgroundcolor='black')
> plot.axis('off')
> colormap = 'gist_heat'
> config   = dict(cmap=eval('' % colormap), vmin=data_min,
> vmax=data_max) # vmin,vmax specify a fixed (color-map) scale
> plot.pcolormesh(XI, YI, data, **config)
> colorbar = plot.colorbar()
> ##############################################################################################################################################################
> # labels   = ??? list of strings labels ???
> labels = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
>, color='white')
> ##############################################################################################################################################################
> plot.imshow(data, interpolation='bilinear', cmap=config['cmap'],
> origin='upper', extent=[0,rows_cnt,0,columns_cnt])
> # # interactive
> filename = 'trial-plot-with-labeled-colorbar.png'
> plot.savefig(filename, facecolor='black')
> plot.close()
> which generates a figure with a black background and invisible (black) color
> bar labels.
> I'm probably going about this completely wrong.
> Questions:
> How do I get white color bar labels?
> How do I access the generated sequence of string labels (for use as the
> first set_yticklabels parameter) rather than artificially defining a list of
> labels?
> Thanks,
> -- jv
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