C M wrote:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:51 AM, AG <computing.acco...@googlemail.com> wrote:
How does one ensure that once a graph has been produced by Matplotlib
and that graph has been closed by the user that the program itself stops?

What I am currently getting is that when I close the graph pop-up window
and then close IDLE, I get a message that the program is still running
and am I sure that I want to stop it.  Yes, I am sure, but I don't want
to have to keep killing the IDLE interpreter window in order to do so,
but if I don't, then I am seemingly unable to produce another graph
pop-up window.

How do I control this from within the script itself?  I am using Debian
testing with Python 2.5.5

IDLE just doesn't work well with matplotlib (or GUI apps), as has been
recently discussed here (if you Google for matplotlib and IDLE you'll
find lots of posts about it).  You could use ipython instead, and now
there is also DreamPie (http://dreampie.sourceforge.net/), a new IDE
which claims to play well with matplotlib.  Those who embed their
matplotlib plots in a GUI app also don't face this concern.


Thanks Che.

Have downloaded/ installed dreampie and am giving it a whirl. Haven't figured out how to load pre-written scripts and the docs are pretty near non-existent, but with enough experimentation I'm sure I'll get there.



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