Dear matplotlib users,

I'm trying to make a plot that shares the x axis, but that have two 
different y scales. I can do this, almost, I say almost because I don't 
know how to turn off the reflection of my y ticks, so they are reflected 
and obscure the scale on the other side, if the scales aren't similar.

I looked at the example

and it hints at a solution (Hint: use the xaxis instance and call 
tick_bottom and tick_top in place of tick_left and tick_right.), but this 
doesn't make any sense to me. I think I need to

"Turn the axes rectangular frame off on the 2nd axes to keep it from 
obscuring the first."

but I'm not sure if this is what I need to do, if it is, I'm also not sure 
how to do this.

Thanks for any ideas,

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