Hi matplotlib list,

I am a resonably experienced python and matplotlib user, when it comes to
make cmd line programs for batch processing, but I have never tried to make
python GUI before.

I am working on a prototype product, where I want the typical matplotlib
plotting window, but extended with controls, such that I can control certain
parameters determining what is being plotted.

I have looked at the embedding_in_tk.py example


which uses the pack manager. That example works like a charm for me, and it
seems like i should be able to extend it for my needs

I have also managed to add controls to that using the Tkinter module and
pack(), i.e., the tedious to maintain pack manager

However, I would really like to use a grid geometry manager instead as I
find it much easier to manage. I have therefore tried to modify the example
to use grid instead by moifying the two pack lines in the example


#canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)



#canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)


However, when I try to run that code, I just get an empty form

I have tried other options in the grid method, with no success. I am sure i
must be missing something obvious? Admittedly, these backend things are
close to voodoo for me, so i am just trying to get a prrof of concepts, but
i would not claim that i really undertsnad what is going on.

I have tried to look for useful documentation for doing these kinds of
things, but I have had only limited success. Directions/links to relevant
material would be appreciated as well.


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