   Thank you, thank you, thank you.  This not only fixes the problem I
reported with with
FixedLocator(..) but also another one where I was using MultipleLocator(..)
and getting
the same problem issue with dropping first and last contours.  The later
isn't as easy
to work-around but your change fixed it.

David Smith

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Eric Firing <> wrote:

> David Smith wrote:
>> This is a bug report.
>> I am using matplotlib 0.99.1 on Windows.  When using contour with the
>> keyword
>> argument locator=ticker.FixedLocator(levels), the plot is always dropping
>> the first
>> and last contour level.  If there are less than 3 levels,
>> throws an
>> exception.
>> My workaround is to duplicate the first and last levels when using the
>> fixed locator: e.g. my argument becomes
>>     locator=FixedLocator( [levels[0]] + levels + [levels[-1]] )
>> I have traced the problem to the last line in, method
>> _autolev() which
>> strips the first and last levels if the contours are not filled:
>>      return lev[1:-1]
>> This line occurs at line 682 in my version of which came with
>> the 0.991 installation.
>> I realize that I could specify the levels in the argument V and this does
>> work.  However
>> this code is embedded in GUI-ness which allows the user to choose how the
>> contours
>> are selected.  Passing the locator seems to be the best option code-wise.
> I committed a small change to svn trunk (r8190) that I think will handle
> your use case without fouling anything else up.
> Eric
>> Thank you,
>> Dave Smith
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