Oh, nice.

I've been flagging particularly useful-looking answers on the matplotlib mailing list for a while; I have four or five hundred marked. I don't want to do all the cleanup to make them an inoculant for a new site, but perhaps they would be useful for people to do a few each or throw in their own favorites?

modulo concerns over attribution, etc

On Mar 18, 2010, at 18 Mar, 10:20 AM, Gökhan Sever wrote:


Please tolerate my impatience for being the first announcing the new discussion platform :) and my cross-posting over the lists.

The new site is beating at ask.scipy.org . David Warde-Farley is moving the questions from the old-site at advice.mechanicalkern.com (announced at SciPy09 by Robert Kern)

We welcome you to join the discussions there. I have kicked-off the new questions chain by http://ask.scipy.org/en/topic/11-what-is-your-favorite-numpy-feature (Also cross-posted at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2471872/what-is-your-favorite-numpy-feature to pull more attention to ask.scipy)

Please share your questions and comments, and have fun with your discussions.

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Chloe Lewis
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