You should not use "angle" style if you change the x,y position (this
is due to the algorithm of how the line connecting two points are

Try something like below instead.

   if foo:
       if theta - foo < 10:
           print >>sys.stderr, "Overlapping, offsetting a little bit"
           y1 = y1 + 0.1
           if x1 > 0 :

There is not much documentation of how each algorithm works (it is
beyond my english skill). They are loosely based on the latex pstrick
package and the screenshot in the following link may be useful to get
some idea though.



2010/3/24 Rune V. Sjøen <>:
> Hello again, and thank you very much for the answer, suddenly it all got
> much clearer to me. The only 'issue' I am having is (from screenshot) what
> happens to the line pointing to Logs when I try to offset it a little bit on
> the Y axis. It looks like either the angleA or angleB is wrong, but I don't
> see and reason why it would be as the X coordinates does not change.
> Another thing I do not quite understand is what that patchB does.
>         figure(1, figsize=(6,6))
>         ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
>         labels = 'Frogs', 'Hogs', 'Dogs', 'Logs'
>         fracs = [45, 135 ,1, 1]
>         p = pie(fracs)
>         foo = None
>         for p1, l1 in zip(p[0], labels):
>            r = p1.r
>            dr = r*0.1
>            t1, t2 = p1.theta1, p1.theta2
>            theta = (t1+t2)/2.
>            xc = cos(theta/180.*pi)*r
>            yc = sin(theta/180.*pi)*r
>            x1 = cos(theta/180.*pi)*(r+dr)
>            y1 = sin(theta/180.*pi)*(r+dr)
>            if x1 > 0 :
>                x1 = r+2*dr
>                ha, va = "left", "center"
>                cstyle="angle,angleA=180,angleB=%f"%(-theta,)
>                print >> sys.stderr, ha, ",A,", va
>            else:
>                x1 = -(r+2*dr)
>                ha, va = "right", "center"
>                cstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=%f"%(theta,)
>                print >> sys.stderr, ha, ",B,", va
>            if foo:
>                if theta - foo < 10:
>                    print >>sys.stderr, "Overlapping, offsetting a little
> bit"
>                    y1 = y1 + 0.1
>            foo = theta
>            annotate(l1,
>                     (xc, yc), xycoords="data",
>                     xytext=(x1, y1), textcoords="data", ha=ha, va=va,
>                     arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-",
>                                     connectionstyle=cstyle,
>                                     patchB=p1))
> - Rune
> 2010/3/23 Jae-Joon Lee <>
>> This should be doable using the annotation. Here is a simple cook-up I
>> just did. it uses a  naive algorithm to place the labels, but I guess
>> it gives you an idea how things work.
>> a screenshot is attached.
>> Regards,
>> -JJ
>> from pylab import *
>> # make a square figure and axes
>> figure(1, figsize=(6,6))
>> ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
>> labels = 'Frogs', 'Hogs', 'Dogs', 'Logs'
>> fracs = [15,30,45, 10]
>> explode=(0, 0.05, 0, 0)
>> p = pie(fracs, explode=explode, shadow=True)
>> title('Raining Hogs and Dogs', bbox={'facecolor':'0.8', 'pad':5})
>> for p1, l1 in zip(p[0], labels):
>>    r = p1.r
>>    dr = r*0.1
>>    t1, t2 = p1.theta1, p1.theta2
>>    theta = (t1+t2)/2.
>>    xc, yc = r/2.*cos(theta/180.*pi), r/2.*sin(theta/180.*pi)
>>    x1, y1 = (r+dr)*cos(theta/180.*pi), (r+dr)*sin(theta/180.*pi)
>>    if x1 > 0 :
>>        x1 = r+2*dr
>>        ha, va = "left", "center"
>>        tt = -180
>>        cstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=%f"%(theta,)
>>    else:
>>        x1 = -(r+2*dr)
>>        ha, va = "right", "center"
>>        tt = 0
>>        cstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=%f"%(theta,)
>>    annotate(l1,
>>             (xc, yc), xycoords="data",
>>             xytext=(x1, y1), textcoords="data", ha=ha, va=va,
>>             arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-",
>>                             connectionstyle=cstyle,
>>                             patchB=p1))
>> show()
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